Job Details

ADF Engineer

Data Modelling- Be responsible for Data Modelling - design 3 NF form of data entity - relationship, SCD types - from a big data perspective, data partitioning, clustering and indexing.
Data pipeline - Be part of a team responsible for CI and CD pipelines creation, repository check in, validation and quality check before data push, delta push, trigger pipelines, data orchestration, data versioning, monitor logs and control mechanism.
Data Engineering- Knowledge of Azure Data Factory (ADF) for setting up data warehouses on Azure, Excellent SQL
Cloud/OnPrem DW: Worked on Microsoft Synapse and SQL Server
The ideal candidate should possess the following competencies:
  • Data modelling
  • Data processing and storage
  • Data quality and governance
  • Data integration and ETL
  • Programming and scripting
  • Cloud computing

About Inteliment
We are Sydney based niche consulting organization helping deliver value in digital transformations projects. We focus on innovation – (Data science), emerging technologies – (RPA, IOT), Mobile Development and Advance Analytics (Big Data) and have international presence in Singapore, Finland and India.

Job Overview

  • Published On
    : 2023-11-12
  • Job Type
    : Full time
  • Experience
    : 不限
  • Qualifications
    : 不限
  • Job Location
    : Sydney NSW
  • Gender
    : 不限
  • Salary Type
    : 不限
  • Salary
    : 面议

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