Employers Details

Australian Secret Intelligence Service

  • Posted Job: 3

About Company

ASIS is Australia’s overseas secret intelligence collection agency. Our mission is to protect and promote Australia’s vital interests through the provision of intelligence services as directed by Government. Overview ASIS's primary goal is to obtain and distribute secret intelligence about the capabilities, intentions and activities of individuals or organisations outside Australia, which may impact on Australia's interests and the well-being of its citizens. Street Scene ASIS functions Our functions, as set out in the Intelligence Services Act 2001 , are to: • collect foreign intelligence, not available by other means, which may impact on Australia's interests; •distribute that intelligence to the Government, including key policy departments and agencies; •undertake counter-intelligence activities which protect Australia's interests and initiatives; and, •engage other intelligence and security services overseas in Australia's national interests. Mission and Values The Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) is Australia's overseas secret HUMINT (human intelligence) collection agency. Our mission is to protect and promote Australia's vital interests through the provision of unique foreign intelligence services as directed by the Australian Government. Street Scene ASIS has a distinctive culture and esprit de corps and we embrace the Australian Public Service (APS) Values , together with a number of ASIS-specific values. In ASIS, we value diversity, embrace change and encourage new and innovative ideas. We have a strong sense of national pride and loyalty to the Service and to each other. Our core values are: Excellence in Service •We strive for excellence in all that we do. •We are responsive and dedicated to achieving results that make a difference to Australia and its people. •We believe that the principles of security are fundamental to everything we do. •We are proud of our achievements. Innovation •We embrace diversity and use it to champion new ideas. •We are forward thinkers, optimistic about the future and undaunted by change. •Whatever the problem or issue, we will find a solution. •We believe in the application of intelligence and reason to improve the way we do our work. Trust and Responsibility •We are committed to building strong, long-lasting relationships with our customers, intelligence partners and liaisons. •We rely on our colleagues and build trust by listening, following through and keeping our word. •We preserve trust with our sources. •We abide by Australian law and community standards and are accountable for our actions. Courage, Unity and Loyalty •We show moral and personal courage in dangerous and difficult situations. •We work as a team and share purpose, risk, responsibility and success. •We are loyal and committed to the Service and our mission. •We honour and value our colleagues and treat one another as equals. •We stand together as one in the service of our country. ASIS also has a comprehensive Code of Conduct which reflects the provisions of the Australian Public Service Code of Conduct, while also extending to cover ASIS specific requirements. Source: this is an extract from the company’s own website.


Company Overview

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