Candidates Details

Celia Gu

  • Location: Preston VIC 

Work Experience

  • 2009.08- 2010.04
  • Intern in Respiratory Diseases Department and Cardiovascular Diseases Department
  • Aug 2009 - Apr 2010 Key Roles: - Intern in Respiratory Diseases Department and Cardiovascular Diseases Department - Ordered and interpreted diagnostic tests, and prescribed medication - Took blood samples and organised doctors' consultations - Reviewed patients' progress daily and ensured that correct diagnostic and therapeutic plans are instituted - Participate as a member of a multi-disciplinary team in the provision of medical care to patients - Diagnosed and treated patients under appropriate supervision - Ensured that duties and functions are undertaken in a manner that prioritised the safety and well being of patients - Assessed patients on admission and/or discharge as required and wrote detailed reports in the case notes under supervision and as required


  • Masters Degree
  • RMIT - Melbourne VIC 2013.01-2014.01
  • Master in Laboratory Medicine
  • Bachelor Degree
  • Southern Medical University
  • Bachelor of Medicine

Other information

  • Graduate Member of Medical Scientists
  • 2013 to 2016;

Contact Information

Job Overview

  • Categories
    : 不限
  • Job Type
    : Full time
  • Qualifications
    : Masters Degree
  • Experience
    : 1年以上
  • Expected Salary
    : 面议

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