Candidates Details

Rebecca Yan

  • Location: Melbourne VIC 

Work Experience

  • HOBAN Recruitment - Ascot Vale VIC
  • 2023.09- 2023.10
  • Customer service
  • Responsibilities: • Welcome every patron coming through the gates and provide a high level of customer service • Ensure efficient management of assigned Booth and provide assistance and support to staff Achievements: • Maintaining 95% customer satisfaction rate by consistently delivering prompt customer support • Resulting in a 90% improvement in customer issue resolution rates
  • 2023.04- Present
  • Mentor
  • Responsibilities: • Encouraged and supported secondary school student to help them develop their own community projects that reflect what they consider to be important determinants of health • Given health education sessions with local community organizations and health professionals Achievements: • Implemented learning phase resulting in a 30% improvement in students' problem-solving abilities • Developed and Organized an inclusive classroom environment, resulting in increased student participation
  • Lepton International School
  • 2022.07- 2022.08
  • Library Assistant
  • Responsibilities: • Organized and shelved books, magazines, and other materials by using Excel and library system • Checked in and checked out books, managed holds and reserves, and processed overdue items • Providing and establishing new labeling system in supporting students who can fast and convenient borrowing Achievements: • Improved library organization and efficiency by implementing a new system for cataloging and shelving materials • Assisted with the successful planning and execution, resulting in a higher turnout than previous events • Developed a new library system that maintained a high level of accuracy, received high engagement and participation from the students and team
  • JINLU Consulting Co. LTD
  • 2022.05- 2022.05
  • Brand Ambassador
  • Responsibilities: • Promote brand awareness through event marketing. Engage with potential customers to provide information about products and services • Represent the brand in a positive and professional manner through whole event Achievements: • Increased event marketing engagement by 10% through targeted content creation and delivering information effectively • Contributed to achievement of establishing strategic cooperative partnership - Cooperate with a new supplier • Successfully reach sales target goal
  • Dingxin Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd - Fujian Province
  • 2021.10- 2021.11
  • Front of House Staff
  • Responsibilities: • Ensuring employees ordering, any special requests, maintaining communication with kitchen staff to ensure timely orders and supporting the chef during cooking • Preparing, inspecting and replacing items that need re-washing, properly dispose of any food waste Achievements: • Achieved efficiency rate, optimized wait time and successfully handled last-minute group adjustment • Collaborated with kitchen staff to ensure seamless communication and efficient service
  • BAIGAO Culture Spreading Co., Ltd
  • 2020.07- 2020.08
  • Receptionist
  • Responsibilities: • Managing the front desk of an office and scheduling and calendar of the executives • Answering phone calls and inviting them participant the events • Developing and assisting with corresponding event planning by coordinating on-site activities, and collaborating with the team to follow up on event progress Achievements: • Assisting the marketing department in scheduling and reserving convention center, which resulted in increasing in efficiency • Identified several new opportunities for business development - Effectively obtain relevant suggestions and feedback to relevant departments • Establishing and maintaining good relationships with partners - Double confirmation and timely remind all departments to provide corresponding products


  • Bachelor Degree
  • The University of Melbourne 2021.07-2024.07
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting & Finance
  • Trinity College 2020.05-2021.05
  • Foundation

Personal Skills

  • Classroom Experience
  • Financial Analysis
  • Mentoring
  • WordPress
  • General Ledger Accounting
  • Social Media Management
  • Public Relations

Other information

  • Language
  • Mandarin - Native;
  • RSA
  • Present;

Contact Information

Job Overview

  • Categories
    : 不限
  • Job Type
    : Full time
  • Qualifications
    : Bachelor Degree
  • Experience
    : 4年以上
  • Expected Salary
    : 面议

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