Candidates Details

Liyao Ren

  • Location: Melbourne VIC 

Work Experience

  • 2021.01- 2021.01
  • Bank lobby manager
  • Great communication skills During my internship, I was responsible for managing Positiveattitude the daily operations of the bank lobby, and also in Reliable team members charge of front desk reception. I also promoted wealth Excellent customer service management and financial products to clients, ensuring smooth customer service and resolving customer issues Active andfast learner and complaints as soon as possible.


  • Bachelor Degree
  • China University of Petroleum - 北京市 2019.01-2023.01
  • Bachelor of Financial Management in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Micro

Contact Information

Job Overview

  • Categories
    : 不限
  • Job Type
    : Full time
  • Qualifications
    : Bachelor Degree
  • Expected Salary
    : 面议

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