Candidates Details


  • Location: Melbourne VIC 

Work Experience

  • Pet Pantry and Co
  • 2022.10- 2023.03
  • Part-time salesAssistant
  • Served customers, checked stocks and Cashiering.Learned a lot about dog and cat breeds and the di erent dietary needs and caring advice based on breed of the animals
  • Bata
  • 2021.06- 2022.03
  • Part-time Sales Assistant
  • Served customers, checked stocks and recorded stocks and cashiering Had the opportunity to work in a fast paced environment.
  • ADX
  • 2020.03- 2020.06
  • design intern
  • Helped senior architects draw projects and took notes for meetings.Also had the opportunity to attend meetings with clients and design some small-scale projects


  • Bachelor Degree
  • RMIT 2022.02-2024.07
  • Bachelor of Architectural in design

Contact Information

Job Overview

  • Categories
    : 不限
  • Job Type
    : Full time
  • Qualifications
    : Bachelor Degree
  • Expected Salary
    : 面议

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